
A Test Data Case (GCase or G-Case) modifies the components within a Scenario, thus allowing the same Scenario to generate many different permutations of test data for any number of test cases.

Test Data Cases are a key part of GenRocket's Self-Service Test Data Portal. We organize all the Test Data Case functionality into a part of the GenRocket platform we call "G-Cases."

Users can create a G-Case Suite that contains one or more Test Categories (e.g., Beta, Unit, Load). Each Category may contain multiple G-Cases.

In This Article

G-Cases Overview Video

Please take a minute to view the following videos showing how Test Data Cases work in GenRocket:


Self Service Test Data Portal Diagram

What are the Benefits of G-Cases?

  • Increased design flexibility for complex test data projects. 
  • Add related components for test data generation (e.g., Rules, Queries) to support complex needs.
  • Instead of modifying Scenarios every time the needed volume or variety changes, users can set up G-Cases. 
  • Specify Domains, Loop Counts, and the order of test data generation from G-Cases easily without altering individual Scenarios. 
  • G-Cases support multiple types of testing (e.g., beta, unit, negative, load) using the same set of Domains, etc. 

Three Ways to Create G-Cases

  1. G-Cases Management Dashboard (Continue reading to learn more)
  2. From G-Families Click here for more information.
  3. From G-Questionnaires Click here for more information.

Can Domain Relationships be Defined at the Case Level? 

  • No, they must be defined at the Domain (Template) level for a Domain to reference Attributes within another Domain.
  • If a Domain Attribute is referenced by another Domain within a G-Case and these relationships have not been defined, a runtime error will occur when attempting to generate test data.

What Prerequisite Steps Are Required? 

Users must perform the following steps before G-Cases can be set up in the GenRocket web platform: 

  1. A Project must be set up with at least the default Project Version. 
  2. Domains must be imported or created.
  3. Each Domain will need to have a Receiver.
  4. Domains generating test data will also need a Scenario. 
  5. Domain Relationships must be set up at the Domain (Template Level).

How to Access G-Cases

  1. Select a Project and Project Version within the Project Dashboard.
  2. Select G-Cases within the Self Serve Menu Options.

How Do Test Data Cases Work?

  1. Add a G-Case Suite to the Project Version.
  2. Add one or more Categories (e.g., Beta, Load, Negative).
  3. Add G-Cases to each Category.
  4. Set up each G-Case (e.g., add Domains, set Domain loop counts, add Rules, modify Attributes, etc.).
  5. Download the G-Case Suite or an Individual G-Case 
  6. Copy the Command Line
  7. Download the Scenario, Scenario Chain, or Scenario Chain Set and any other required files.
  8. Run the Command with the Scenario Name at the Command Line to Generate Test Data

Video and Use Case Examples

To view more examples, click on one of the links below: 

G-Cases Use Case Video Training SeriesLearn more by watching a series of use case videos. 

Additional "How To" Articles

How to Add and Set Up Test Data CasesLearn more about creating and managing G-Cases.
How to Change or Randomize Domain Loop CountsLearn more about changing or randomizing Case Domain loop counts.
How to Add Attributes to a Case DomainLearn more about adding Attributes to a Case Domain. Once added, users can modify Generators and their Parameters at the case level for that specific case. 

Users have the ability to add a new Attribute or an existing Attribute that has been configured at the Domain (Template) level.
How to Turn Domains or Attributes On/Off within a G-CaseLearn how to turn Domains and/or Attributes on and off within an individual case for test data generation.

Test data will not be generated for the Domain or Attribute when turned off.
How to Add Rules to a Test Data CaseLearn more about adding G-Rules to a G-Case.
How to Add Queries to a Test Data CaseLearn more about adding G-Queries to a G-Case.
How to Download and Run Test Data CasesLearn more about generating test data with G-Cases.